Bibliographic Metadata
Bibliographic Metadata
- TitleBiblia/ beider|| Allt vnnd Newen Testa||menten/ : fleissig/ treülich vn[d] Christ||lich/ nach alter/ inn Christlicher|| kirchen gehabter Translation/ mit auß=||legunng etlicher dunckeler ort/ vnnd besse=||rung viler verrückter wort vnd sprüch/|| so biß anhere inn andernn kurtz auß=||gangnen theutschen Bibeln ge=||spürt vnd gesehen|| / Durch D. Johan Dieten||berger/ new verdeutscht ...||
- Translator
- Participants
- Illustrator
- Published
- Description[4], CCCCCLXXVIII, [4] Bl. : Titeleinfassung, Ill. (Holzschn.) ; 2
- AnnotationTitelbl. in Rot- und Schwarzdr. - In Fraktur
- AnnotationCopac: "A Roman Catholic version, by Johann Dietenberger, a Dominican. In the New Testament he followed Emser almost entirely and copied the Apocrypha nearly word for word from Leo Juda. For the remainder he made large use of Luther's version, though in certain parts he conformed it to the Vulgate. Dedicated to Albrecht of Brandenburg, Elector and Archbishop of Mainz. With title in woodcut border, dedication (by Dietenberger, dated Mainz 1533), list of books, "Vorred and den leser", "Dancksagung Authoris", "Register der Episteln vnd Euangelien ...", "Zum Leser" (with list of errata). Text in double columns, with marginal references and short notes, chapter-headings, and "Annotationes" after many chapters. A title (within border, and dated 1534) stands before the New Testament, with two "Vorrede" on verso. The woodcut borders used for the the two titles and the colophon contain many coats of arms. Of the blocks used as illustrations some are like those used in the Frankfurt Bible of 1534". - "Contains 105 woodcut illustrations by Hans Sebald Beham and Anton Woensam; 77 cuts in the Old Testament, 7 in the New, and 21 large woodcuts in the Revelation"Vorlageform d. Erscheinungsvermerks: Ge=||truckt zů Meyntz Jm jar || nach Christi Gepůrt.|| XVC.XXXIIII.||. - Im Kolophon: Getruckt inn der Ertz||bischofflichenn Stadt Meintz/ bey Peter || Jordan/ Jnn kosten vnd verlegung/ des Erßamen || vnnd Achtbaren Herren Peter Qentels/ Bur=||ger vnd Bůchtruckher zů Köllen. Vnd selig=||lich volendet/ am siben vnd zwentzigsten || tag des Brachmonats ...|| Jm || fünfftzehenhun||dertsten vnd || vier || vnnd dreyssigsten Jare||
- Document TypesBook
- Electronic EditionPaderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2017
- VD16B 2693
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