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Semenyak, Maria: Full semantics preservation in model transformation. 2011
Short contents
1 Motivation and Overview
1.1 Role of Models in Software Development
1.2 Model-Based Software Development Process
1.3 Correctness of Model Transformation
1.4 Objective of this Thesis
1.5 Solution Idea
1.6 Structure of this Thesis
2 Problem Statement
2.1 Model-Driven Architecture Approach
2.2 Requirements for Model Transformation
2.3 Survey of Techniques for Semantics Preserving Model Transformations
2.3.1 Overview of Specific Approaches
2.3.2 Discussion
2.3.3 Conclusion from the Survey
2.4 Concept of our Method
2.4.1 Syntax Definition
2.4.2 Behavioural Semantics Definition
2.4.3 Semantics Preserving Model Transformation
2.5 Summary
3 Foundations of Graph Transformations
3.1 Graphs
3.1.1 Graphs and Typed Graphs
3.1.2 Type Restriction
3.1.3 Attributed Graphs
3.2 Graphs as a Tool for Syntax Definition
3.3 Graph Transformations
3.3.1 Introduction
3.3.2 Basic Definitions for Graph Transformations
3.3.3 Injective and Non-injective Matches
3.3.4 Important Notation
3.3.5 Universal Quantification
3.3.6 Graph Transformations for Attributed Graphs
3.4 Behavioural Semantics Based on Graph Transformations
3.5 Model Transformation Based on Graph Transformations
3.6 Graph Transformation Tool
3.7 Summary
4 Equivalence Relation on LTS
4.1 General Approach
4.2 Transition Systems
4.3 Bisimulation as Type of Behavioral Equivalence
4.4 Properties Specification over LTS
4.4.1 Why ACTL
4.4.2 Syntax of ACTL
4.4.3 Semantics of ACTL
4.4.4 Behavioural Properties Specification with ACTL
4.5 ACTL Equivalence and Weak Bisimulation
4.5.1 ACTL Equivalence
4.5.2 Preservation of ACTL Formulas by Weak Bisimulation
4.5.3 Additional Theorem about ACTL Formulas Preservation
4.6 Summary
5 Method for Semantics Preserving Model Transformation
5.1 Problem Definition
5.2 Proposed Solution
5.3 Method
5.3.1 Language Syntax (Step 1)
5.3.2 Language Semantics (Step 2)
5.3.3 Mapping over the Rule Systems (Step 3)
5.3.4 Model Transformation (Step 4)
5.3.5 Establishment of Weak Bisimulation (Step 5)
5.3.6 Summary
5.4 Interpretation of Behavioural Properties
5.5 Summary
6 Case Study: Model Transformation of CCS into Petri Nets
6.1 CCS Language (Steps 1-2)
6.1.1 Original Syntax and Semantics
6.1.2 From EBNF to Meta-Model
6.1.3 From Interleaving Operational Semantics to Semantics Defined by Graph Transformations
6.1.4 Semantics Preservation
6.2 Petri Nets (Steps 1-2)
6.2.1 Syntax
6.2.2 Semantics
6.3 Mapping over the Rule Systems (Step 3)
6.4 Model Transformation Specification (Step 4)
6.4.1 TGG Model Transformation
6.4.2 Mapping of Well-Formed CCS Graphs to Petri Nets
6.4.3 Graph Transformation System
6.4.4 Auxiliary Notation for CCS Graphs
6.4.5 Important Observations about CCS Graphs
6.5 Correctness of Model Transformation (Step 5)
6.5.1 Auxiliary Notation for Corresponding Nodes
6.5.2 Important Observations about Corresponding Structure
6.5.3 Definition and Proving of Weak Bisimulation
6.6 Properties Interpretation for Petri Nets
6.6.1 System Design
6.6.2 Properties Specification
6.6.3 Properties Interpretation
6.7 Summary
7 Conclusion
7.1 Contribution of this Thesis
7.2 Analysis of the Method
7.2.1 Restrictions
7.2.2 Model Transformation
7.2.3 Proof Statement
7.2.4 Proof Algorithm
7.3 Discussion of the method
7.4 Overview of Publications
7.5 Future Research
List of Figures
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