15 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Mathematik
15 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Mathematik
On exposed semigroup homomorphisms
In: Semigroup Forum, Jg. 1977, S. 189-204On shape sensitivity analysis for 3D time-dependent Maxwell's equations
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2017 ;On the "Fundamental Principle" of L. Ehrenpreis
In: Partial differential equations : papers presented at Stefan Banach International Math. Center at the semester "Partial differential equations" held Sept. 11 - Dec. 16, 1978 (Banach Center publications : 10), Jg. 1983, S. 185-201On the asymptotics of wildly ramified local function field extensions
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2023On the Chow ring of the stack of truncated Barsotti-Tate groups and of the Classifying Space of some Chevalley Groups
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2016On the four terms in the middle theorem for almost split sequences
In: Archiv der Mathematik, Jg. 1994, S. 501-505On the hierarchy of the Landau-Lifshitz equation
In: Physica, Jg. 13D, S. 387-394On the number of almost split sequences with indecomposable middle term
In: The bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Jg. 1994, S. 422-426Operative Begriffsbildung in der Praxis des Geometrieunterrichts
Geometrie des FußballsIn: Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht, Jg. 1979, S. 56-59Optimization Techniques for Data-Based Control and Machine Learning
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2023