9 Titel in Besondere Sammlungen → Veröffentlichungen der Universität → Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften → Department Physik 1
zu den Filteroptionen9 Titel in Besondere Sammlungen → Veröffentlichungen der Universität → Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften → Department Physik
Building Blocks for Integrated Homodyne Detection with Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2023In depth Raman analysis of the ferroelectrics KTiOPO4 and LiNbO3
role of domain boundaries and defectsElektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2018Integrated measurement-induced nonlinearity with superconducting detectors
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2022Modelling electron exchange and correlation for catalyst electronic structure simulations
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2022Optical response and surface properties of KTiOPO4 and related materials
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2023Opto-electronics for quantum communication at cryogenic temperatures
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2023Quantum detector tomography of superconducting detector arrays
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2020Quantum optics in the photon number basis
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2020Theoretical analysis of the interaction between semiconductor nanostructures and quantum light: from single pulses to four-wave mixing
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2022