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- Erzbischöfliche Akademische Bibliothek Paderborn
- Amtliche Mitteilungen. Verkündungsblatt der Universität Paderborn.
- Socioeconomics of personnel papers
- Wirtschaftspädagogische Beiträge
- Verlagsschriftenreihe des Heinz Nixdorf Instituts
- Sammlung J. A. Schmoll gen. Eisenwerth
- Studien der Paderborner Komparatistik
- Paderborner Schriften zur sonderpädagogischen Förderung
- The Encyclopedia of Concise Concepts by Women Philosophers
- Sammlung Ralf-Günter Stefan
- Sonstiges
- Paderborner Historische Mitteilungen
- Sammlung Höxter
- Bibliothekskatalog der Paderborner Kapuziner von 1761
Acceleration of material flow simulations
using model coarsening by token sampling and online error estimation and accumulation controlling2014Algorithms for distributed data structures and self-stabilizing overlay networks
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2021Approximate pure nash equilibria in congestion, opinion formation and facility location games
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2019Augmented & Virtual Reality in der Produktentstehung
Grundlagen, Methoden und Werkzeuge; Interaktions- und Visualisierungstechniken, Virtual Prototyping intelligenter technischer Systeme mit AR/VRElektronische Ressource, Paderborn : Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Universität Paderborn, 2016Automating network resource allocation for coflows with deadlines
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2021Bewertung von Renderingalgorithmen für komplexe 3-D-Szenen
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2016Big data: sublinear algorithms for distributed data streams
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2019Bringing Massive Parallelism and Hardware Acceleration to Linear Scaling Density Functional Theory Through Targeted Approximations
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2022A comparison between two variations of a pebble game on graphs
In: Automata, languages and programming. 1973 : Graz, Austria, July 16 - 20, 1979 (Lecture notes in computer science : 71), Jg. 1979, S. 411-421A comparison of two variations of a pebble game on graphs
In: Theoretical Computer Science, Jg. 13.1981, S. 315-322Competitive routing in hybrid communication networks and message efficient SetCover in Ad Hoc networks
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2022Computing minimum spanning forests on 1- and 2-dimensional processor arrays
In: STACS 1989, Jg. 1989, S. 181-192Distributed algorithms for overlay networks and programmable matter
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2018Dynamic hashing strategies
In: Mathematical foundations of computer science 1990, Jg. 1990, S. 76-87Dynamics and efficiency in topological self-stabilization
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2016Efficiency of universal parallel computers
In: Acta Informatica, Jg. 19.1983, S. 269-296Efficiency of universal parallel computers
In: Theoretical computer science : Dortmund, January 5 - 7, 1983 (Lecture notes in computer science : 145), Jg. 1983, S. 221-241Efficient parallel branch-and-bound search on FPGAs using work stealing and instance-specific designs
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2019