84 Titel in Besondere Sammlungen → Veröffentlichungen der Universität → Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2
zu den Filteroptionen84 Titel in Besondere Sammlungen → Veröffentlichungen der Universität → Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Accounting for heuristics in reputation systems
an interdisciplinary approach on aggregation processesElektronische Ressource,Are investors misled by exclusions of recurring expenses from non-GAAP earnings?
Elektronische Ressource,Bundling in a distribution channel with retail competition
Elektronische Ressource,Capacity investments in a competitive energy market
Elektronische Ressource,Causal reasoning in corporate annual reports: the truth and nothing but the truth?
Elektronische Ressource,Coalition formation versus free riding in rent-seeking contests
Elektronische Ressource,Combining qualitative comparative analysis and shapley value decomposition
a novel approach for modeling complex causal structures in dynamic marketsElektronische Ressource,Credence goods markets with fair and opportunistic experts
Elektronische Ressource,Credence goods markets with heterogeneous experts
Elektronische Ressource,Crowdsourcing for paid work as a new form of employment relationship
a content analysisElektronische Ressource,Determinants of CDS trading on major banks
Elektronische Ressource,Determinants of financial misreporting
a survey of the financial restatement literatureElektronische Ressource,Diversity, team mechanisms and performance
Elektronische Ressource,Do election results affect the value of politically connected firms?
the effect of the Schröder-Merkel Change of Government on German prime standard firmsElektronische Ressource,Do investors care about tax disclosure?
Elektronische Ressource,Does non-GAAP reporting change after financial restatements?
Elektronische Ressource,