34 Titel in Besondere Sammlungen → Veröffentlichungen der Universität → Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2
zu den Filteroptionen34 Titel in Besondere Sammlungen → Veröffentlichungen der Universität → Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lobbying over exhaustible-resource extraction
Elektronische Ressource,Locus of control and labor market sorting: the moderating role of motives
Elektronische Ressource,Over the top: team composition and performance in Himalayan expeditions
Elektronische Ressource,Special interest politics: Contribution schedules versus Nash bargaining
Elektronische Ressource,Subjective appraisals of employee potential: Do gender and managerial level matter?
Elektronische Ressource,Tax loss carryforward disclosure and uncertainty
Elektronische Ressource,"To infinity and beyond!"
a genre-specific film analysis of movie success mechanismsElektronische Ressource,Unilateral supply side policies and the green paradox
Elektronische Ressource,The wage effects of social norms
evidence of deviations from peers' body mass in europeElektronische Ressource,Wage returns of company training - evidence from a comparison group approach
Elektronische Ressource,When do managers highlight their effective tax rate?
Elektronische Ressource,When the early bird catches the worm: timing and the impact of training in retail
Elektronische Ressource,