PDF Vol. II.
PDF Vol. I.
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PDF Title page
PDF Letter I. Of the study of history.
PDF Letter II. Concerning the true use and advantages of it.
PDF Letter III. 1. An objection against the utility of history removed. 2. The false and true aims of those who study it. 3. Of the history of the first ages, with reflections on the state of ancient history, prophane and sacred.
PDF Letter IV. I. That there is in history sufficient authenticity to render it useful, notwithstanding all objections to the contrary. 2. Of the method and due restrictions to be observed in the study of it.
PDF Letter V. 1. The great use of history, properly so called, as distinguished from the writings of mere annalists and antiquaries. 2. Greek and roman historians. 3. Some idea of a complete history. 4. Further cautions to be observed in this study, and the regulation of it according to the different professions, and situations of men: above all, the use to be made of it (1) by divines, and (2) by those who are called to the service of their country.
PDF Letter VI. From what period modern history ist peculiarly useful to the service of our country, viz. From the end of the fifteenth century to the present. The division of this into three particular periods: In order to a sketch of the history and state of Europe from that time.
PDF Letter VII. A sketch of the state and history of Europe from the Pyrenean treaty in one thousand six hundred and fifty-nine, to the year one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight.
PDF Endsheet
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