25 Titel in Besondere Sammlungen → Veröffentlichungen der Universität → Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2
zu den Filteroptionen25 Titel in Besondere Sammlungen → Veröffentlichungen der Universität → Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Antecedents and performance consequences of talent management
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2020Changing work through digitalisation
further training, multitasking and the human digital twinElektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2023The development of the human resource function towards a strategic role - four essays in human resource management focusing on strategic human resource management involvement, human resource outsourcing and human resources mangement and the relationship with organizational performance
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2019The Economics of Higher Education
Career Paths, Leisure Activities, Personality Traits, and Academic OutcomesElektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2022Essays on Individual Behavior in Education and Sports
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2022Four essays on firm size, Human Resource practices, and societal income inequality
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2023Freelancers who stay?
A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis of affective and calculative commitment among crowdworkers to a platformElektronische Ressource,The good, the bad, and the unknown about job autonomy
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2024Governance and reputation in the market for experience goods
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2022How corporate architecture affects job seekers
experimental evidence of signal-based mechanismsElektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2019The influence of peers and politics on economic outcomes
empirical and experimental evidence in the fields of social norms, politically connected firms, taxation and climate change ; kumulative Dissertation2014Information asymmetry and gendered behavior in organizations and digital markets
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2023Labor-management relations and varieties of capitalism
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2021Objective surface-level diversity in organizations: looking back and beyond
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2020On rational and non-rational choice behavior in dynamic and static situations under risk: experimental evidence of the domains ethics, health and shadow economy
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2016On the activating power of gamification - empirical evidence from an online community
kumulative Dissertation2015On the long-lasting effects of colonial conditions on Sub-Saharan Africas performance, and why do historicalpatterns persist?
Elektronische Ressource, Paderborn, 2024